"Welcome to California-where the sun always shines", LAX (insanely long cue to get through the border-nearly fell asleep-after a 10hour flight and in such a need of a cigarette. Hollywood-stars, weird touristy shops, vintage shopping, and tattoo shops and a whiff of old glamor. Beverly Hills-nice area, Melrose-designershops, to many hours at Betsy "prom queen" Johnson-an amazing french/italian bakery, cool boutique Creature of Comfort-where I bought the most amazing shoes ever.
Malibu-with its nice beaches, Santa Monica-highstreet shopping and good restaurant and the Apple store-where i FINALLY got my IPOD. Venice beach-surfers, still henna tattoos, Jamaican style stuff, and other cheap things, Sunset-rib steak at Saddle Ranch-the one Sex & City girls go to when in LA, Pacific Palisades- freeways and beaches- all these places it sounds like a listing of the 90s series!.
Then we saw lots of precious old art at The Getty Villa, what a house, so many sculptures, and fantastic food at the restaurant.
At Universal Studios we had a cosy tour-and a very scary Mummy ride-iiiiiiiik, highways, cars-yes I have been driving, pools-cooling, when working on that tan. Been out at Republic + Lounge, seen skinny Angelina and cute James McAvoy in killer action movie WANTED. Watched the beautiful sunset at San Vincente, and went horseback riding in the Topango mountains.
Los Angeles is so much what you expect it to be-with the distance and all the driving, but with the sunshine, relaxed atmosphere and nice people-its so much to see and I think I have done well in only a week. Very different from NY-but ever so much more fun and charming than I thought it would be :).