Fancy video installation of different guys in just their underpants-artsy boyz are back.

Hans & Hege both all dressed in Acne-of course, and who would wear it better than these to pretty blondes?

In my Acne pants, on sale 70% off in Bergen (Crazy-they where almost free), I feel I nearly fit the crowd. But my Louboutins (yes, oh yes)-really makes my outfit tonight. The rest can be all highstreet rag-but as long as the zjoooos are as beautiful as this, I can only be very grateful. The top is Vero Moda and jacket is from Zara, and the clutch is from Marc by Marc Jacobs-it doesnt get out that much-because the lock hates credit-cards and leaves them out of service-shame on the little bag. (it has nothing to do about me overspending my card limit, honestly!).

Monika also works at Acne -loves the booots. Maybe I should get a pair-but for some reason-(I have seen them on Pia as well)-they tend to look so good on everybody else-but on me, they look very 90s and weird, but they are really really nice...hmmmm.

Pia at Mulberry-straight from work-in her work outfit-I bet she is dressed head to toe in Mulberry.

Geraldine also lives and breathes in Acne, I am looking forward to see all the window displays she has been making for Acne lately-I heard that the one at Mark +Brandy are supposed to be very nice!

Boxed in or wrapped out? Both looks the same and good to me.
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